Getting Started With Very First C# Program.

Creating a new Console Application in Visual Studio.

  • Open a Visual Studio in your system.(You can find it in the Start Menu Programs.)
  • You can create a new project in different ways
    1. Using classic method, Goto File -> New -> New Project.
    2. Using Quick Method, On Start Page Click on Create a New Project .
  • After Clicking the Create New Project, You will get a template window.
  • Select the Visual C# in side menu.
  • Select the Create new Console Application.
  • Name the Project (any name you want e.g. helloApp).
  • Select the Directory where you want to save it.
  • And Click Create button.

Writing Your First Code in C#.

  • After Creating a new project you will get the code like bellowed.
     using System;
     namespace helloApp
                class Program
                      static void Main(string[] args)
                          //Here goes your code...

  • You need to Write Console.WriteLine("Whatever You Want to Print on console."); between the braces below the Main() method.
  • Short Cut for Writing Console.WriteLine is just type 'cw' and press TAB button twice.

Executing the Program.

  • To Execute the written program Press F5 button on your keyboard.
  • If you Pressed F5 console will run for the only few milliseconds to halt the Console until any key pressed you need to Write Console.ReadKey(); below your written Code.
  • OR you Can just Press Ctrl+F5.
  • It will halt the console window until you press any key. 


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