
Showing posts from July, 2024

Code First Approach with Entity Framework

 1) To begin with the Code First Approach we need the below nuget packages in our Project. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design One can easily install the above packages with the nuget package manager or its command line tool. Once installed you will get the below packages stacked in the installed window of nuget package manager 2) After nuget Package installation we can setup the connection string and our POCO entity classes. We can set our connection to DB in appsettings.json file as below Snap Shot. Now it's time to setup the DbContext class. You can create one normal class inheriting the DbContext class as below As above SS we have declared one Normal Class inheriting DbContext class in which we have an empty constructor where we need to send DBContextOptions to the base class. Below that we can declare our DbSets for required entity classes and have Default data that need